YILNAC Network Strengthens the capacities of young indigenous women to build peace in the context of armed conflict in the Ruzizi Plain in DR Congo.
Publié le 20/12/2021 - Catégorie: Climate Change
In its Capacity Building of Indigenous Youth program, Young Indigenous leaders for Nature and Climate (YILNAC Network) is launching the pilot initiative “Building the capacity of young indigenous women to build peace in contexts of armed conflict in the Ruzizi Plain in the Province of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, a program which aims to support young women leading local grassroots organizations in this fragile part of the country affected by repeated armed conflicts.
The objective of this initiative was to strengthen the capacities of local grassroots organizations led by young Aboriginal women in order to consolidate their skills in fundraising, and to create a space for exchange between peers, networking, sharing of best practices and lessons learned among young women peacebuilders.
A 4-day workshop, in person, was held from May 26 to 30, 2023 in Kamanyola in the Province of South Kivu in DR Congo. Several topics were further explored, including on key policy issues such as peacebuilding and peacekeeping, the agendas of women, peace and security and youth, peace and security, as well as key project management skills: designing and writing project proposals (including conflict analysis, theory of change, logframes), fundraising, donor outreach and report writing.
A total of 25 young indigenous women from the Democratic Republic of Congo living in the Ruzizi plain in South Kivu Province and responsible for local grassroots organizations led by indigenous women were selected by an analysis committee using criteria common reviews, and actively participated in this workshop.
Executive Secretary
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