Cop26: Indigenous Peoples Call on Leaders to Act
Publié le 23/12/2021 - Catégorie: Climate Change
In Glasgow, indigenous peoples and environmental NGOs demonstrated to denounce the slowness of world leaders in the fight against global warming and the preservation of forests.
For NGOs and indigenous people, the highlighted 2030 target to stop deforestation remains far too distant.
Even if a hundred countries made a commitment last Tuesday at COP26 to stop deforestation, for indigenous peoples these are just promises and there is no guarantee that they will be kept.
“We take care of the land and make sure it is always fertile and green. You know, our land has thrived for thousands of years. And now, in a very short period of time, about 100 or 200 years. , people have explored in depth places that we thought were yet to be discovered or untouched. They are building mines there to extract lithium and mining prevents us from living in those places. I am here because the valleys of the region where my family lives and the waters flowing there will be polluted, and we will no longer be able to live there, ”said Alexandro Fernandez from Chile.
However, the destruction of forests leads to land degradation, regrets a protester.
“We are one with nature, we stand up for everything that mother nature offers us. The earth nourishes us like a mother and we must take care of it. We must leave something for our children and for generations to come. We live fully in community. We teach our children that the earth is sacred and that it is the earth that nourishes us. We are learning to live so that tomorrow we can enjoy the rivers, all that nature offers us, "lamented the protester.
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