YILNAC Network goes to war against deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Publié le 19/05/2023 - Catégorie: Climate Change
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is home to most of Africa's tropical rainforest. Once dense, impenetrable and continuous, forests are now increasingly fragmented. New data has indicated that we could still live very difficult years for the country. The DRC has lost more than 5% of its primary forests.
The phenomenon especially accelerated after 2013, especially in 2020, recording the second largest forest loss since data collection began in 2002.
This logging and illegal logging significantly threatens the way of life of forest guardians (indigenous peoples) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And wherever it goes, logging brings only desolation and tears instead of improving the living conditions of indigenous peoples.
In order to contribute to the reduction of this deforestation and poverty, the YILNAC Network is launching an initiative to mobilize young people and indigenous women for their active participation in the process of reforestation and rehabilitation of forest ecosystems in the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to:
- Reduce the rate of deforestation through the reforestation of cleared forests and the promotion of agroforestry,
- Improve the income of populations through the development of non-timber forest products and finally
- Contribute to the improvement of the reduction of emissions from deforestation and the degradation of tropical forests (REDD+) at national and international level where 6,500 plants were made available to young and women indigenous leaders and were used for reforestation activities.
Activities carried out in February 2023
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