YILNAC Network advocates for climate justice for the indigenous populations of Kalehe in South Kivu (Floods caused by heavy rains in Kalehe territory in South Kivu have caused more than 438 deaths of indigenous and local populations)
Publié le 27/05/2023 - Catégorie: Générale
More than 438 people (indigenous and local populations) died following the floods of Kalehe in South Kivu in the east of the DRC.
Following heavy rains that fell between 2 and 5 May in Luzira, Bushushu, Chabondo and Nyamukubi in Kalehe territory in South Kivu, the Lukungula, Kabushungu and Kanyunyi rivers came out of their beds, causing flooding and mudslides and rocks in indigenous villages.
According to the latest estimates from provincial authorities as of May 10, at least 438 people have been killed; 54 people injured, nearly 3,000 houses were affected, including around 1,200 completely destroyed. At least six schools were destroyed and 13 teachers are believed to be among the victims.
Nearly 30 unaccompanied indigenous children were also identified. Local authorities estimate that more than 5,000 indigenous and local people are missing. If this figure seems to be very high, the fact remains that a large number of bodies are still under the rubble. This number and all others are subject to change in the coming days.
YILNAC Network advocates for climate justice for indigenous victims and survivors and denounces the mass and unsecured burial of bodies at the scene of the tragedy.
YILNAC Network also pleads for the care of the injured, especially serious cases, access to water: many hydraulic infrastructures have been destroyed, food, shelter and household items, strengthening health structures in the health areas affected by the disaster, protection, particularly against the risk of gender-based violence, replacement of lost civil documents.
The area affected by the disaster is also an area that has hosted thousands of displaced people, particularly from North Kivu due to armed conflict. It is also endemic to cholera.
YILNAC Executive Secretary
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